Thursday, April 23, 2020

Philippine-American War

Filipino insurgents surrendering

The Philippine-American War was a dark spot in an era of industrial and military expansion. With the Treaty of Paris (1898) giving the Philippines to the United States, the Filipino people were once again fighting for their independence. Led by Emilio Aguinaldo, the Army of National Liberation turned its efforts to combat the United States Army. It seemed as thought the American military would run right through the Philippines and squash the "insurrection" with ease. When Aguinaldo realized he was outmatched, he and his army turned to guerilla warfare, designed to frustrate the American army. The American response to this was nothing short of horrific. Military officials authorized tactics similar to Sherman's in the Civil War. The American military arrested anyone with a suspected connection to the rebellion, burnt crops, and occupied Philippine cities. The United states had shown how far they would go to protect their imperialist interests. This conflict can serve as an example as to how ugly imperialism can get.

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